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Useful Commands

Frequently used commands. This is a helpful page to add to your Favorites. Here's how to do so on Notion.

🚚 Running dev env

For BobaEditor and BobaComponents run (in the corresponding folders):

yarn run storybook

For BobaFrontend run:

# Start instance connected to local server (BobaBackend must be running)
yarn run dev

# Start instance connected to staging server (note: changes go to prod DB)
yarn run dev:stage

For BobaBackend run:

yarn run start-db
yarn run dev:watch

🚢 Debugging Logs on Frontend

To enable debug logs, set localStorage.debug to one of the following values (you can do so through the JavaScript console of your browser of choice):

// Print all the debug logs related to the editor
localStorage.debug = "bobapost:*";

// Print only the debug logs related to embeds
localStorage.debug = "bobapost:embeds:*";

// Print only the debug logs related to Twitter embeds
localStorage.debug = "bobapost:embeds:tweet";

// Print all the debug logs minus those ending with -verbose
localStorage.debug = "bobapost:*,-bobapost:*-verbose";

// Print all the debug logs related to the UI Component
localStorage.debug = "bobaui:*";

// Print all the debug logs related to the frontend
localStorage.debug = "bobafrontend:*";

// Print all the debug logs
localStorage.debug = "*";