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Adding new permissions

The role_permissions_type enum (in the database) defines the permissions that can be associated with roles. These permissions are mirrored in the server itself through the DbRolePermissions enum.

The [Entity]Permissions enums (e.g. ThreadPermissions, PostPermissions) associate each entity with the corresponding permissions.

Adding a New Permission to Server

  1. Add a new type to the role_permissions_type enum in the database.
  2. Add the same permission to the DbRolePermissions enum. Make sure the spelling is the same.
  3. Add the permission to the corresponding [Entity]Permissions enums.

Adding a new permission to the production database

There is currently no available UI to add permissions to a role. The following queries can be used in its stead.

  1. Run the following query with the correct permission name:
    ALTER TYPE role_permissions_type ADD VALUE 'move_thread';
  2. Add the permission to a role:
    UPDATE roles
    SET permissions = array_cat(permissions, ARRAY['move_thread'::role_permissions_type])
    WHERE = 1;